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Policy Reform

The Network advocates to lift significant federal and state regulatory barriers and stoke government investment, removing regulatory barriers to energy security and clean energy generation. 

We aim to ensure laws and systems allow First Nations households and communities to enjoy the benefits of clean energy, delivering reliable and cheaper power. For example, many First Nations people and communities have pre-paid electricity meters installed on homes. Electricity utilities and retailers are, in many cases, unprepared to accommodate the shift by low-income customers to lower cost options like rooftop and community solar and discriminatory policies and regulatory barriers need addressing.

We will also campaign to strengthen laws, such as those protecting our cultural heritage and sacred sites, so companies seeking to generate clean energy on our lands are asking ‘what should we do?’ when it comes to managing our cultural heritage, not ‘what can we get away with?’

Learn more about the policy work we're engaging with here.

Read our latest submissions here