The Citizen: As renewables run hot, Indigenous network plugs in to power up
November 16, 2021
Australia’s remote landscapes soak up some of the highest levels of solar irradiation on the planet. And as they also attract increasing interest in the renewable energy bonanza, Indigenous landowners are positioning to power up their communities and a brighter, cleaner future. Jordyn Beazley reports.
Read MoreSMH/The Age Opinion: Power must come to First Nations people
November 16, 2021
Rio Tinto’s destruction of Juukan Gorge sent shock waves around the world. In the rush to develop clean energy projects we must not repeat similar mistakes, where the expansion of renewables becomes another action done “to” First Nations people rather than “with” them.
Read MoreThe Age/SMH: Indigenous communities harness environmental, economic benefits of solar boom
November 16, 2021
Residents of the Iltjiltajarri Aboriginal community in central Australia used to have to truck in diesel along hundreds of kilometres of corrugated, dusty roads. Diesel powered the pumps that drew life-giving water out of the ground, but was so prohibitively expensive that 30 years...
Read MoreABC TV Interview Karrina Nolan on Launch of the Network
November 16, 2021
First Nations communities want to team up with governments and industry to develop more renewable energy projects on Indigenous land. Sue Lannin spoke to Karrina Nolan from community group Original Power about the First Nations Clean Energy Network.
Read MoreABC Radio National Breakfast: Indigenous communities look to solar
November 16, 2021
As heatwaves become more frequent and extreme due to climate change, the impact on Indigenous Australians struggling with energy poverty is potentially life threatening. An Indigenous-led initiative, the First Nations Clean Energy Network, is being launched to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities...
Read MoreSBS: Why Australia's green energy movement needs to include Aboriginal communities
November 03, 2021
Norman Frank is the first Aboriginal person in the Northern Territory to try to connect rooftop solar to a prepaid meter - but he still can't access the grid. As COP26 puts climate action on the world stage, those behind the initiative are determined...
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