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By becoming a FNCEN member, you join a powerful network that will ensure First Nations people play a central role and harness the opportunities from Australia’s renewables boom.

The Network is a bridge connecting clean energy ready community groups to experts in the sector and supporting your community to get ready. Members can work with the Network to get policy reforms that enable energy security and all the benefits we know flow from clean energy projects.

If you have ideas, skills, expertise or needs, join as a member today!

Why be a member?

The Network provides a hub for members to learn more about your rights, clean energy opportunities, skills training, research, community-led projects, campaigns for change and more.

Strong Network membership will support the ongoing advocacy work of the Network and demonstrate to government and industry bodies the need for First Nations people to have a seat at the table and be key participants in the renewable energy sector.

As a member, you will have access to community-focused resources, guides and best practice principles to inform agreements for land use and benefit sharing, while building community capacity through training and employment of First Nations people.

You will join a community that shares knowledge, resources and best practice, gain insights to the sector and have the opportunity to influence the conversation and ensure our people are part of the renewables transition.

Join Now

You can join the Network through 1 or more of the 3 categories:

First Nations Member

Indigenous Individuals and Entities

This includes: ACCHOs, Land Councils, Prescribed Body Corporates, Peak bodies, Community groups, Nations / Traditional Owner corporations, First Nations Unions


Non-Indigenous Individuals or Entities

This includes: renewables groups, community groups, unions, universities and researchers, law firms/lawyers


Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Businesses or Entities

This includes: Business, First Nations business, Corporations, Finance/Investment bodies, Councils.

Which category do I join?

Depending on your circumstance, you may be eligible to join under 1 or more categories:

Scenario 1: Chris is an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. He works for a non-indigenous business in the clean energy

  • Chris can register as an Individual under First Nations Member category
  • Chris can also register his business under the Industry category

Scenario 2: Henry is an Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander. He works for a university.

  • Henry can register as an Individual under First Nation Member category
  • Henry can also register his university under the Supporter category

Scenario 3: Erica is non-indigenous. She works for an indigenous owned business.

  • Erica can register her business under the Industry category