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First Nations powering local energy solutions in Broome

Yawuru's development and investment company Nyamba Buru Yawuru hosted a co-design workshop on Friday with Western Australian utility Horizon Power to discuss Broome's future energy system and explore aligned values and principles.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network assisted in facilitating the workshop.

Nyamba Buru Yawuru posted ‘we would like to extend our gratitude … to all attendees for their contribution and commitment to exploring opportunities to enhance Indigenous inclusion in the future pipeline of works, procurement and employment opportunities.

'We look forward to continuing our collaboration to derive greater outcomes and impact on Yawuru country.'

The First Nations Clean Energy Network has previously identified 8 policy and market changes to support government partnering with First Nations in the energy transition, including:

  1. Provide energy security for First Nations families by removing policy and regulatory barriers to clean energy
  2. Scale community-led clean energy solutions to replace diesel generators
  3. Embed principles of free, prior and informed consent into legislative, policy, and decision-making processes and systems
  4. Plan for Country, culture and people to facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes
  5. Embed First Nations in the energy market through power purchase agreements with First Nations clean energy suppliers
  6. Support First Nations ownership of clean energy infrastructure through innovative finance solutions
  7. Support First Nations-led clean energy projects to supply electricity to the national and regional electricity markets
  8. Build First Nations participation in the clean energy workforce and supply chains.

This workshop between the state-owned utility and Nyamba Buru Yawuru is a step in the right direction towards enabling local decision-making and partnering in the design, participation, distribution, and benefit-sharing of local clean power.

Thanks for organising NBY's Ninielia Mills and PowerMaker Aaron Matthews from Horizon Power with CEO Stephanie Unwin. 

Additional guests including Tyronne Garstone from Kimberley Land Council, and Original Power and Ngardara Co-op co-facilitating.

Learn more about this workshop here. Photo of attendees gratefully sourced from that link.