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Clean energy in First Nations communities: Genuinely powering people

We're very excited Karrina Nolan is doing a plenary at the Smart Energy Council conference on 3 May 2023.

Karrina helped set up the First Nations Clean Energy Network and is a member of our Steering Group.

Together with our growing number of members and supporters, the Network aims to ensure First Nations people participate in and benefit from Australia's renewable boom.

Coupled with the commitment from all Energy Ministers in Australia to co-design a First Nations Clean Energy Strategy to help drive the energy transformation (with the second roundtable feeding into the Strategy happening in May), we're confident.

Karrina is speaking about clean energy in First Nations communities and our ambition to genuinely power people at the two-day event.

She joins a high-level lineup all before morning tea, including Aunty Joan Bell, Australia's Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen MP, Premier of NSW Chris Minns, and independent ACT Senator David Pocock.

We hope to see you there.