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Australia's policy settings

Key opportunities for innovative investment in Australia’s First Nations must be recognised in the 2024 Federal Budget if the country’s energy transition is to have legs on the global stage.

The United States’ Inflation Reduction Act has garnered global attention for its significant set aside for Tribal Nations of literally $100s of billions for the clean energy transition. Canada has followed suit with similar legislation directing substantial funding to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples.

Policymakers in both countries increasingly realise that a just transition from fossil fuels requires addressing the priorities of First Nations communities, and these investments are a starting point for building sustainable, globally competitive economies that work for everyone.

So will Australia's Federal Budget have a similar commitment? Can we expect significant First Nations investment in clean energy initiatives from a household to nation-level next week?

SPEAKERS: Hon Chris Bowen MP, Simon Duggan, Kirsty Gowans, Travis Thomas, Cissy Gore-Birch (Facilitator)