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Negotiations for Traditional Owners webinar

We just held a webinar on 'Negotiations for Traditional Owners'. The key takeout? Clean energy project negotiations can be complex!

The webinar was put together following a Member survey to discover topics people were interested in learning more about.

Over 50 participants attended, with speakers covering:

  • An overview of how clean energy projects work commercially and how to identify potential commercial points of leverage
  • Identification of the different rights and interests of Traditional Owners that might be impacted by a clean energy project and how these might be used in a negotiation process
  • Some strategies that Traditional Owners could consider deploying in advance of a clean energy project to be able to negotiate from a position of strength
  • Benefits that Traditional Owners may wish to consider in negotiating with clean energy developers
  • Identification of some of the sources of support and assistance, and discussing industry standards (and best practice principles to which the industry should be held, regardless of tenure).

In sum, we learnt that clean energy project negotiations can include impacts beyond the generation facility to a host of other potential impacts and opportunities - e.g. roads, transmission infrastructure, jobs, etc.

We heard that if First Nations communities are clear on their negotiation strategy and what they want to achieve as a community, with the right expert advice, great outcomes can be achieved.

We heard that regardless of tenure or specific legal rights, there are points of leverage that First Nations communities can lean on to get great outcomes.

The clear message coming through was that with First Nations ownership and control, First Nations groups are getting some great outcomes and really setting the tone for how developments proceed for the benefit of communities, and also industry and government partners.

Thanks to everyone who came along, and to our speakers Chris Croker (Managing Director, Impact Investment Partners), Jason Bilney (Chair of Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation) and Emily Gerrard (Director and Principal Lawyer at Comhar Group), and to facilitator Karrina Nolan and organiser Wynona Karena.

We'll be holding more webinars soon, bringing together experts, leaders and community members who share a common interest in clean energy on a wide range of topics our Members want to hear more about, including Energy Security, Renewable Energy Country Planning, Renewable Energy Job Opportunities, and more. 

Become a member of the First Nations Clean Energy Network to receive your next webinar invite! Join here.