We are busy preparing for our inaugural PowerMakers clean energy capacity building training program to be delivered to 30 targeted First Nations participants from 23-27 October 2023 in Cairns, Queensland.
PowerMakers is a 5-day immersive experience dedicated to providing practical and applied learning in renewable energy, including project ownership and negotiation, community energy planning, business management, and advanced energy systems.
Based on key learnings from the hugely successful Catalyst program developed by Canada’s Indigenous Clean Energy team, PowerMakers aims to address community, industry and government-identified gaps in First Nations clean energy capacity, further enabling National Energy Transformation Partnership commitments to be met.
The curriculum combines theory with real-world applications, enabling participants to become leaders in the clean energy transition and progress clean energy projects successfully.
Our goal is to equip participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to spearhead clean energy initiatives and make a positive impact both within their communities while also taking First Nations leadership of the clean energy transition in Australia to the next level.
During this program, participants will have the opportunity to engage with industry experts, passionate mentors, and like-minded peers.
They'll also engage with members of Canada's Indigenous Clean Energy team who will be here in Australia to assist us in delivering the PowerMakers program.
Australia still has a long way to go
The opportunity of renewable energy should and can be available to all. But we know for many of our communities that affordable, secure and clean power is not yet a reality.
Meanwhile in Canada, Indigenous communities are the second largest clean energy asset owners and partners in the country, with thousands of small to large scale projects underway and ongoing.
These projects, many supported by government, have led to community training and job creation, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, advanced gender equity, materially improved economic stability, cultural revitalisation and much more.
Australia only has a handful of First Nations led renewable energy projects and very few equity partnerships.
First Nations people and communities in Australia need a seat at the negotiating table when it comes to renewable energy and critical minerals.
We want to share the economic benefits of projects on our land, job opportunities in our communities, and ready access to lower-cost and reliable power.
We want to address climate change and protect Country and culture for generations to come. The clean energy boom can help us do that.
The First Nations Clean Energy Network has made remarkable progress since our inception.
We have built a coalition of First Nations developing clean energy projects across the country, and proactively engaged with national and state governments to advance First Nations inclusion in the clean energy sector.
The PowerMakers program is the next step in our activities
Our ancestral ties to the land and deep understanding of its balance make us acutely aware of the threats posed by climate change. PowerMakers provides an opportunity to unite as First Nations people, to combat climate change.
Embracing renewable energy is crucial to preserving our culture, heritage, and environment. By harnessing sustainable energy sources, we can honour our traditions and ensure a resilient future for generations to come.