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15 significant First Nations clean energy partnerships

A steering group member of the First Nations Clean Energy Network, Brian Bero presented at the Impact X Summit today in Sydney.

Brian highlighted to the audience 15 significant First Nations clean energy partnerships currently in Australia which have First Nations involvement, ownership and equity through negotiated participation agreements.

They are published on our First Nations Project Tracker demonstrating the transformative potential of a First Nations-led clean energy transition.

In the meantime, Canada is way ahead of Australia with close to 3000 Indigenous-led projects from small to medium size, and up to 300 large scale revenue-generating projects that have Indigenous participation and Indigenous ownership.

There is much more work to be done.

We hope you can join us at the First Nations Clean Energy Symposium on 8-9 May 2024 to work out together the best way forward to ensuring First Nations are partnering in and benefiting from Australia's energy transition.