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Pages tagged "Brian Bero"

Network Steering Group member wins award

Steering group member Brian Bero has been awarded National First Nations Senior Lawyer of the Year!

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Accelerating critical finance and investment to First Nations in Australia's clean energy transition

International experience demonstrates that investing in First Nations brings benefits to whole economies, to clean energy projects, and to First Nations groups.

And investing meaningfully and at scale in First Nations-led clean energy is not just equitable, it makes good business sense.

In this session we explore financial mechanisms and incentives currently available, and how to make government incentives work for us (eg. capacity investment scheme, Indigenous Procurement targets, and so on).

We'll also discuss the benefits, risks, and challenges of Australia falling behind international trends, and when we're likely to see significant First Nations investment 'talk' become a reality.

SPEAKERS: Darren Godwell, Adam Fletcher, Nishtha Aggarwal, Danny Kennedy, Brian Bero (Facilitator)


15 significant First Nations clean energy partnerships

A steering group member of the First Nations Clean Energy Network, Brian Bero presented at the Impact X Summit today in Sydney.

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