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Western Australia

Finance and funding opportunities for Western Australia can be found here.

We haven't tracked them all yet, so please advise us if you know of finance or funding opportunities that could be included.


Name of program: Clean Energy Future Fund

What’s the intended outcome? 

  • supports the implementation of innovative clean energy projects in Western Australia that offer high public value through the following outcomes:
    • significant, cost-effective reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below projected (or baseline) emissions as a direct result of the clean energy project
    • design, deployment, testing or demonstration of innovative clean energy projects likely to deliver community benefits or lead to broad adoption and significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Who’s funding it? Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Energy Policy WA

What’s available?

  • the State Government has invested an additional $18 million to 2030–31 ($11.2 million to 2026–27) to extend the Clean Energy Future Fund.


  • The definition of a clean energy project is a project that deploys or applies a technology that reduces greenhouse gas emissions from the production or use of stationary energy. This excludes the use of energy for the purpose of transportation.
  • Projects proposing replacement of diesel or coal with gas are likely to have a lower merit score and be less aligned with Ministerial priorities than those replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy.
  • Projects that are clearly already in-progress and committed are not eligible.

When does funding close? Check website

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Pilbara Traditional Owner Participation Support Fund

Who’s funding it? Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)

Who’s it for: Prescribed Bodies Corporates impacted by the Pilbara Energy Transition

What’s it for? 

  • to support broader First Nations participation in the Pilbara energy transition through sharing information
  • to identify and progress clean energy projects on Country

What’s available?

  • up to $100,000 in grant funding 
  • can be used for:
    • assessment of opportunities as well as preferred sites for renewable generation and
      transmission infrastructure
    • renewable energy resource assessments and monitoring
    • renewable generation feasibility and grid-connection studies
    • expert advice on contract negotiations with renewable generation developers
    • training, skills and information activities.

When does funding close? Closing 30 June 2025, or until grant funds are fully committed.

How do I apply? Click here





Thanks to Michael Lammli for the use of the photo!