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Our Federal Election Ask

The network is seeking a commitment from political parties and independents ahead of the 2022 Federal Election that they will help ensure First Nations people play a central role and harness the opportunities of Australia’s clean energy boom. Download it here.

Proposed 2022 Federal Election Commitment

We back the active participation of First Nations people in Australia’s clean energy revolution. This critical transition must occur in full and meaningful partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and Traditional Owners, upon whose resources the clean energy revolution relies, and who must share equitably in its jobs and economic and social benefits.

We commit to support the following measures:

1. Resource federal, state and territory roundtables across the nation to support the network’s three pillars, launched by the end of 2022 and inviting representatives from the First Nations community, the network, industry, key government departments and Federal, state and territory elected representatives.

2. Resource the development, promotion and implementation of industry best practice standards that companies adopt and investors require before committing capital to clean energy projects. These resources will secure fair agreements for land use and benefit sharing, while building capacity through training and employment for First Nations people.

3. Review federal laws, regulation and policy to lift barriers and implement regulatory reform that promotes the development of renewable energy and stokes government investment in innovation, technology and infrastructure, so First Nations people share equally in the benefits of the renewable energy revolution.