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Queensland roundtable locked in for co-design of the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy

First Nations communities, organisations, and relevant government representatives are invited to attend the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy roundtable on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 August in Cairns.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water is working with the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the First Nations Clean Energy Network to co-design the Strategy.

Australian Energy Ministers committed to the co-design of a First Nations Clean Energy Strategy as part of the National Energy Transformation Partnership.

The roundtable is a chance for First Nations people from across Queensland to identify the opportunities and barriers to First Nations participation in Australia's clean energy transition.

Roundtables have already been held in the Pilbara, Western Australia and in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, with more scheduled in jurisdictions across the nation before year end. 

Input from First Nations voices will ensure the First Nations Clean Energy strategy achieves energy security for our communities. 

Register and find out more here