You're invited to attend the next roundtable for the design of the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy is being held in Adelaide, South Australia on 11-12 September 2023.
The First Nations Clean Energy Strategy has been a significant activity for the Network in 2023, with roundtables already held in the Pilbara, Alice Springs, and the ACT, with a roundtable scheduled for Cairns on 28-29 August, with more scheduled in jurisdictions across the nation before year end.
This Strategy is about ensuring First Nations Australians shape and drive the clean energy transformation.
Participating in these roundtables will provide you with the ability to ensure Australia’s energy transformation occurs with a strong First Nations voice about the priorities and issues that are important to First Nations.
Enabling and empowering First Nations to play a key and central role in Australia’s renewable energy transition goes beyond just social licence issues – it presents a unique opportunity for Australia to design a system that is fair and just and can provide other social and economic benefits for First Nations.
Input from First Nations voices will ensure the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy achieves energy security for our communities.
The roundtables are being run by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water, with assistance from the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the First Nations Clean Energy Network.
The Strategy's development is being informed by the roundtables, in addition to consultations, discussions and advice received from First Nations communities across Australia.
Australian Energy Ministers committed to the co-design of a First Nations Clean Energy Strategy on 12 August 2022 as part of the National Energy Transformation Partnership.
As a core member of the Strategy’s co-design team, the Network is now focused on ensuring the Strategy can deliver meaningful and beneficial outcomes for First Nations communities.
We hope to see you in South Australia!