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Complete a survey about how hot your house gets in summer

We could be in for one of the hottest summers on record! For people living in poorly designed houses, that could mean facing indoor temperatures of over 45 degrees Celsius.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network is running a survey in partnership with ACOSS (Australian Council of Social Service) to better understand the impact of heat on First Nations people.

Can you complete the survey? Click here

The survey questions will ask things like:

·      how easy or difficult is it to cool your home

·      what is the impact of heat on your health and wellbeing

·      what steps can you take to keep your family cool at home

·      does it cost a lot to cool your home, and does that cost contribute to financial stress

·      should the government do more to help people deal with heat in their homes

The First Nations Clean Energy Network will publish a report next year based on what First Nations people say.

This will become part of broader advocacy calling for mandatory minimum energy performance standards and government support for low-income households to invest in energy-saving measures.
No personal information (e.g. quotes) will be shared publicly without your permission.

Thanks for doing this!

Complete the survey here