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Finance and funding opportunities available Australia-wide can be found on this page.

We haven't tracked them all, so please advise us if you know of finance or funding opportunities that could be included.

If there is no closing date, the grants and funding opportunities are OPEN. 

Name of program: Advancing Renewables Program

Who is it for?

  • an Australian entity incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) 
  • a Commonwealth entity prescribed as a government business enterprise by section 5(1) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 
  • an Australian State or Territory owned corporation or a subsidiary of an Australian State or Territory owned corporation
  • an Australian local government or council

Who's funding it? ARENA


  • involves a Renewable Energy Technology that
    • Optimises the transition to renewable electricity
    • Commercialises clean hydrogen
    • Supports the transition to low emissions metals
  • must not be commercially viable without ARENA support
  • you are strongly encouraged to contact ARENA to discuss your Proposal before submitting an Expression Of Interest (EOI)

When does funding close? OPEN

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Climate-Smart Agriculture Program Capacity Building Grants

Desired outcome: Community, First Nations peoples and industry have increased capacity and capability to assist farmers and land holders to adopt climate-smart and sustainable agriculture practices.

Who is it for: First Nations people, companies and corporations, among others

Who’s funding it? Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


  • complete one application form for each project proposal

When does funding for Round 1 close? 28 March 2024, but grants available until 2028

How do I apply? Click here




Name of program: Energy bill relief for households and small businesses

Who is it for: 

  • eligible households and small businesses

Who's funding it? Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water


For households -

  • It depends on where you live

    • If you live in NSW, Queensland, South Australia or Tasmania, you can get $500 per eligible household.
    • If you live in Victoria, you can get $250 per eligible household, plus a one off $250 direct payment through Victoria’s 2023 Power Saving Bonus Payment.
    • If you live in the Northern Territory, you can get $350 per eligible household.
    • If you live in Western Australia and are currently registered with the Electricity Concession Extension Scheme (ECES), you will get a $500 electricity credit split over 2 payments. All other Western Australian households can get a $400 electricity credit.
    • If you live in the ACT, you can get $175 per eligible household. 
  • You can get bill relief if you are the primary electricity account holder, or another named account holder on your electricity account. You must also hold an eligible concession card or receive an eligible government payment in the state or territory you live in. Your household can only get one bill relief credit, even if there is more than one eligible person living there. You can only get bill relief for your principal place of residence.
  • In most cases your electricity provider will automatically apply the bill relief to your electricity account and this will reduce the amount you owe on your next bill.

For businesses - 

  • Your business must be on a separately metered business tariff with your electricity retailer.

  • Your business’s annual electricity consumption must be less than the threshold for your state or territory. The energy consumption threshold is:

    • 40MWh in Victoria
    • 50MWh in Western Australia
    • 100MWh in the ACT, NSW and Queensland
    • 150MWh in Tasmania
    • 160MWh in the Northern Territory and South Australia
  • You will get a $325 of bill relief if your eligible small business is in Victoria.

  • You will get a $650 of bill relief if your eligible small business is in these states and territories:

    • NSW
    • Northern Territory
    • Queensland
    • South Australia
    • Tasmania
    • Western Australia.

When does funding close? OPEN

More information? Click here


Name of program: Environment Resilience Fund

Intention of funding:

  • to support practical projects that build environmental resilience to natural disasters and climate change.

Who is it for: 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations and groups
  • urban, regional and remote community organisations

Who's funding it? National Australia Bank (NAB)


  • Grants range from $100,000 to up to $2,000,000 will be paid over a maximum period of up to five years for new projects (or contribute additional funding to existing) regional projects that build the evidence base for investments and interventions that improve resilience to natural disasters, and that support collaboration between several stakeholder groups.
  • Grants are made through an Expression of Interest process from invited organisations
  • Grants will only support an organisation, project or initiative that has a charitable purpose

When does funding close? OPEN (via expression of interest only)

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: First Nations Heritage Grants Round 2

What’s it for? To identify and add First Nations values to Australia's World and National Heritage listed places.

Who is it for?

  • First Nations-led owners/managers of Australia’s World Heritage-listed and National Heritage-listed sites.

What do you get? Grants between $25,000 and $250,000, to cover up to 80% of eligible expenditure.

Who's funding it? Australian government


  • projects must be:

    • completed by 30 April 2026

    • listed on Australia’s World and National Heritage places

    • support First Nations people to identify, record and/or protect Indigenous heritage values not previously identified, recorded and/or protected at listed places

When does funding close? 21 February 2025

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Grants

Who is it for?

  • registered not-for-profit organisations

Who's funding it? Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal


  • A range of funding options available.
  • Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.

When does funding close? OPEN

How do I apply? Click here


Name of program: Gill Owen Scholarship

Who is it for: 

  • individuals
    • working as a Consumer Advocate or related organisation at present (or with recent experience), preferably one which has worked on National Energy Market issues
    • relatively experienced and/or senior in the relevant sector
    • with good knowledge of the key issues facing Australian energy consumers
    • with the ability to prepare and deliver presentations – for their meetings overseas and on their return to Australia.

Examples of activities that could be funded:

  • visits to one or more countries to learn from energy consumer activities and experiences

  • meetings with key stakeholders in selected countries

  • research on issues or relevance to Australian energy consumers

  • written report documenting the learnings from the research and or overseas stakeholder meetings and their potential relevance for Australia

  • in Australia, meetings with consumer groups, energy companies, government officials to promulgate research findings and recommendations.

Who's funding it? Energy Consumers Australia


  • grants are to travel internationally to research innovative ideas and initiatives that will be relevant to improving outcomes for consumers in the Australian energy market
  • recipients would be expected to disseminate their research findings widely in Australia to advocates and decision-makers

When does funding close? Opening 2025

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Household Energy Upgrades Fund

Who is it for: 

  • 110,000 households with or without a mortgage, rental property owners, and strata properties.

Who's funding it? Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)


  • Participating banks and finance institutions (see here) can be found on the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) website. Speak to a participating lender for further advice on eligibility requirements. 
  • Finance (including green home loans, green personal loans, and other low-cost finance products) may be used for:
    • renovations or upgrades for existing homes
    • knock-down rebuild properties
    • energy upgrades of one or multiple technologies at the same time
    • energy-efficient appliances
  • Installations of eligible upgrade technologies must be undertaken by accredited installers only, and might include:
    • Battery-ready rooftop solar and home batteries
    • Energy efficient appliances and household equipment
    • Heating and cooling measures, including air conditioning and ceiling fans
    • Double glazed windows and insulation
    • Energy monitoring systems
    • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

When does funding close? OPEN

More information? Click here




Name of program: Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) program grants: Existing IPA projects

Who is it for: 

  • 84 existing IPA providers (First Nations communities)

Who's funding it? Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water


  • Grants from $100,000 to $3,000,000
  • restricted and non-competitive grant opportunity available to existing IPA providers
  • existing IPA providers do not need to submit an application

When does funding close? Funding available from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028 

More information? Click here



Name of program: Local Investments Funding Grant Opportunity

Who is it for?

  • First Nations people and groups

Who's funding it? National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)


  • funding of no more than $125,000
  • generally small scale, short-term, one-off proposals to address immediate local need and which have community support
  • a variety of activities, ranging from small scale infrastructure and cultural activities, through to a co-contribution to larger projects
  • activities that leverage other government funding and may include co-contributions for larger projects with other governments, local councils or organisations.

When does funding close? 30 June 2025

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Kelvin Trimper Scholarship

What’s the aim:

  • to build knowledge and/or improve access to programs or initiatives that will achieve improved consumer outcomes in the Australian energy market

Who is it for? 

  • Individuals 
  • a registered charity or not for profit organisation, or a registered ‘for purpose’ organisation within Australia

Who’s funding it? Energy Consumers Australia

What’s on offer?

  • funding of up to $10,000


  • Funding can be used for:
    • Researching specific programs or initiatives that could improve customer outcomes.
    • Delivering and evaluating the outcomes of a pilot program or initiative that will improve customer outcomes.
    • Training to improve customer engagement and advocacy skills.
    • Attending a relevant conference.
    • Research project that will deliver consumer benefits.
    • Other innovative initiatives which build consumer capability and advocacy skills.
  • Following completion of the scholarship, the recipient will undertake:
    • A webinar to communicate the key learnings and insights gained.
    • Meetings with relevant consumer groups/energy companies/government officials to promote the learnings.
    • Speaking engagements including a presentation to SA Power Networks executive team and Community Advisory Forum.

When does funding close? Opening 2025

How do I apply? Click here


Name of program: Kick-Start

Who is it for? 

  • start-ups
  • small businesses

Who's funding it? CSIRO


  • Funding of between between $10K- $50K
  • Must be able to provide matched funding
  • A CSIRO researcher or research team will work with your business on the R&D project

Eligible projects must include one of the following activities:

  • Research into a new idea or discovery with commercial potential
  • Development of a novel or improved product or process
  • Testing of a novel product, developed by the company, to inform research and development activities.

When does funding close? OPEN

How do I apply? Click here




Name of program: Funding for businesses undertaking renewable energy projects

Who is it for: 

  • Businesses wanting to undertake renewable energy projects

Who's funding it? ARENA


  • Focus areas:
    - Optimise the transition to renewable electricity
    - Commercialise clean hydrogen
    - Support the transition to low emissions metals
  • Matched funding of between $100,000 and $50 million.

When does funding close? OPEN

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Paid Employment Pathways Package - WorkFoundations

What’s the aim?

  • to fund social enterprises and businesses who can provide tailored, paid employment placements with integrated wrap around services for job seekers facing challenging barriers to employment.

Who is it for: 

  • First Nations Corporations
  • Companies
  • Cooperatives
  • Incorporated Associations
  • Partnerships
  • Individual persons
  • Sole Traders
  • Statutory Entities

Who's funding it? Department of Employment and Workplace Relations


  • 2-year grants

When does funding close? 11 February 2025

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Participation Grants

Who is it for: 

  • not-for-profit organisations, with a purpose or mandate that permits them to be an advocate for residential and small business energy consumers
  • bona fide research organisations with a public purpose

Who's funding it? Energy Consumers Australia

Examples of activities that may be funded:

  • engaging a consultant to provide technical or specialist expertise for a submission

  • undertaking research

  • undertaking workshops

  • funding for reasonable travel costs (flights, accommodation, transfers) to engage in government, regulatory and industry forums relating to that process, and where video conferencing is not provided.


  • provide up to $15,000 to support and accommodate an applicant's engagement in government processes, regulatory and policy reviews, and projects targeting the energy sector as a whole
  • Applicants can apply for grants to pursue small, targeted research projects or longer term, strategic and substantive projects. Where projects are longer than one year, gateway reviews may be needed at appropriate stages to ensure that the project is ready to proceed to the next stage of implementation.
  • Funding may be used to support consumer education projects that identify and fill structural and systemic knowledge gaps
  • The proposed project must demonstrate how it will build knowledge and/or sectoral capacity supporting policy development and consumer education in the National Energy Market.
  • Funding will not generally be prioritised for public education and awareness campaigns that are the responsibility of regulators and government, or projects targeted at informing and educating individual consumers.

When does funding close? OPEN

How do I apply? Click here


Name of program: Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program

Who is it for: 

  • entities incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001
  • State or Territory owned corporations or a subsidiary of a state or territory owned corporation
  • local government or councils
  • organisations registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC)

Who's funding it? ARENA


  • Funding is available to projects that have successfully completed a feasibility study.
  • Grants between $1 million and $5 million.

When does funding close? 31 December 2026

How do I apply? Click here


Name of program: Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) Capacity Building Grant Opportunity

Who is it for?

  • Prescribed Bodies Corporates (PBC's)

Who's funding it? National Indigenous Australians Agency


  • there is no maximum grant amount
  • funding is designed to build the capacity of PBCs
  • open to all PBCs and to third parties working with the PBC sector across Australia

When does funding close? 30 June 2025

How do I apply? Click here



Name of program: Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) First Nations – Delivery Grant Opportunity - Round 2

What is it for: 

  • to support literacy and numeracy skills training for First Nations in metropolitan, regional, and remote areas

Who is it for?

  • First Nations organisations, including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), registered training organisations (RTOs), Adult and Community Education (ACE) providers or peak bodies (applying on behalf of their eligible members).

Who's funding it? Department of Employment and Workplace Relations


  • grant application assistance is available of up to $30,000 (excluding GST) to help eligible organisations 
  • awarded delivery grants will typically be between $350,000 and $1,000,000 (excluding GST) per year over a 2 to 3 year period, for a single site, or up to $3,000,000 (excluding GST) per year for delivery at multiple sites. 

    • will fund locally tailored, place-based, whole of community projects designed to meet community literacy and numeracy skills training needs of First Nations people

    • training is to be co-designed with the community/communities in which it will be delivered. 

  • The First Nations Clean Energy Network suggests this grant could be used in conjunction with the planning and/or development of a clean energy project

When does funding close? 28 February 2025

How do I apply? Click here


Name of program: Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme

Who is it for: 

  • individuals
  • households
  • small businesses

Who's funding it? Clean Energy Regulator


  • offers a financial incentive to install eligible small-scale renewable energy systems, including:
    • solar panels
    • small-scale wind systems
    • small-scale hydro systems
    • solar water heaters
    • air source heat pumps
  • Each megawatt hour of renewable energy generated/or displaced by the system is awarded one small-scale technology certificate (STC). STCs are calculated from installation date until the end of 2030 when the scheme ends. System owners typically assign the right to an agent to sell STCs on their behalf to receive an upfront lower purchase price (your electricity provider can help you claim). System owners can alternatively claim and sell the STCs themselves.

When does funding close? 2030

How do I apply? Click here