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100 mob registered for our webinar today on the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy

We're excited to be hosting a webinar today for MOB ONLY talking about the government's development of the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy.

The Federal Government and all state and territory Energy Ministers agreed to the co-design of a First Nations Clean Energy Strategy to ensure that First Nations people help drive the energy transformation.

The Strategy is our vehicle for bringing First Nations front and centre of the energy transition.

It is an opportunity to review laws, regulation and policy, to lift barriers and implement regulatory reform, and to stoke government investment in innovation, technology and infrastructure, so that First Nations people can share in and benefit from the benefits of the renewable energy transition.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has released a Consultation Paper on the Strategy.

Our webinar will be looking at that today, with 100 mob registered to attend.

Submissions re the Strategy's Consultation Paper close 9 February 2024.

To put in a submission, click here.