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Upcoming Webinar: Powering First Nations Jobs in Clean Energy Report

We’re excited to invite you to an important upcoming webinar on our new report, Powering First Nations Jobs in Clean Energy, taking place on 19 September 2024.

As we know, jobs can lead to First Nations self-determination and empowerment. Yet many of our mob are locked out of the clean energy industry, even while energy projects are being developed on Country.

Our new report identifies 12 actions that can be taken now to increase First Nations employment outcomes in the clean energy industry.

Join us to develop a plan together to get this happening! 

Webinar Details

  • Date: 19 September 2024
  • Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm (AEST)
  • Platform: Zoom - Link to be provided upon registration  


This webinar is specifically designed for our First Nations Members.

It will provide an in-depth understanding of the barriers and opportunities available to build First Nations employment and training outcomes in the clean energy sector. 

We’ll be talking about how we can play a role in breaking down barriers and creating real pathways to jobs, training, and career development in this industry that’s rapidly growing.

Webinar Focus:

  • Overview of the clean energy transition in Australia, including Renewable Energy Zones (REZs)
  • The challenges our mob are facing when it comes to getting a foot in the door of the clean energy industry
  • Introduction to the First Nations Clean Energy Network’s new report: Powering First Nations Jobs in Clean Energy 
  • Key findings and recommendations from the report and what they mean for us 
  • What we can do now to action those recommendations 
  • How we can work together with training providers, industry, and government to turn these recommendations into real opportunities.

This webinar will be interactive, with an opportunity to engage with our speakers directly. 

We’d love to have your voice in the conversation as we work together to build a future where First Nations people are getting good jobs in the clean energy sector.


Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with further details, including the webinar access link.

We encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues, friends, and community members who may also find this webinar informative and relevant.

If you are unable to attend the live session, we still encourage you to register as we will send you a recording of the webinar. 

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Georgia at [email protected].