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Pages tagged "submission"

Expanded Capacity Investment Scheme - Design Paper (March 2024)

Establishing the Capacity Investment Scheme is an opportunity that must not be missed by the Australian Government. Properly designed, the Scheme has the potential to deliver many mutually beneficial outcomes - for First Nations communities, and also for proponents - by reducing risk and increasing shareholder value which can be gained through First Nations partnerships and ownership of projects. The Network's submission seeks to identify what these beneficial outcomes could be, and where they could be incorporated into the design of the Capacity Investment Scheme.

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The Network’s submission in response to the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy Consultation Paper

A properly funded, ambitious First Nations Clean Energy Strategy and associated funding package through the Federal Budget 2024-25 and beyond will be an investment in Australiaʼs future economic prosperity. 

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The First Nations Clean Energy Strategy Consultation Paper (February 2024)

It is clear that a properly funded, ambitious First Nations Clean Energy Strategy and associated funding package through the Federal Budget 2024-25 and beyond will be an investment in Australia’s future economic prosperity, whilst also having much potential to deliver social, economic and cultural justice for First Nations and the Australian community at large.

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Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25 (January 2024)

We have developed three recommendations for inclusion in the 2024-25 Budget, directed towards achieving outcomes that will assist Australia achieve its clean energy transition objectives at the pace and scale required, whilst also ensuring that First Nations participate in and benefit from the transition.

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Designing a clean energy industry that is inclusive of First Nations rights, interests and responsibilities

First Nations people can and should benefit from the renewable energy revolution, including from small community-based projects to large scale export-focused initiatives, and also through the development of new supply chains and industries.

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Hydrogen Headstart Program Consultation (August 2023)

The Hydrogen Headstart program presents an important opportunity to take practical steps to include and embed First Nations in the development of Australia’s hydrogen industry.

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Queensland’s Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs Bill) 2023 (July 2023)

The draft Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 sets out a bold plan for steps Queensland will take to transition to renewable energy, however it presently lacks detail about the interaction with people and communities and workers, and critically, from the First Nations Clean Energy Network perspective, the way in which Queensland’s transition plans will interact and engage with First Nations people and communities.

Download the submission here

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act: Issues paper responses (February 2023)

There is a massive global and domestic renewables energy transition underway that is driving generational shifts in energy systems. First Nations people can, and should benefit from this revolution, whether from small community-based projects, to large scale, export-focused initiatives.

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Proposed South Australian Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023 (February 2023)

The First Nations Clean Energy Network welcomes the emphasis put on maximising beneficial economic, environmental and social impacts (and minimising adverse cultural and heritage impacts) in the proposed South Australian Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023.

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National Energy Performance Strategy (February 2023)

Many of our First Nations communities - particularly those that are experiencing extreme temperatures as a result of climate change - don't currently have access to clean, affordable, reliable power; homes that are designed to cope with dangerous heat and extreme cold; or, the ability or means to access energy-efficient appliances. A NEPS can address these issues, and others.

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