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Pages tagged "native title"

Have your say on the Future Acts regime under Native Title

The Australian Law Reform Commission has been asked to review the operation of the future acts regime under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

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The potential for First Nations participation in renewables in Western Australia is vast

Western Australia has very strong solar resources and nationally competitive wind resources that are largely untapped. There is clearly much potential for the development of clean energy projects on land where First Nations communities hold an interest.

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South Australia Policy Overview: First Nations and Clean Energy

South Australia is a global leader in renewable energy. Driven by high quality wind resources and rooftop solar in a smaller electricity market, renewable energy supplies around 70% of SA's electricity consumption. SA has one of the highest market shares for renewable energy in the world and has a target for 100% renewable energy by 2030. 

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Thanks to Neoen for the image of the 150 MW Hornsdale Power Reserve

Queensland Policy Overview: First Nations and Clean Energy

Queensland has very strong solar resources, and also high quality and nationally competitive wind resources and there is clearly much potential for the development of clean energy projects on First Nations-titled lands. 

Download the paper here


This policy overview was drafted with assistance from Elizabeth McDonald, Director at Chalk & Behrendt  and Taryn Lane, consultant and Manager of Hepburn Community Wind Farm. 

Thanks to Hoshi Moshi for the image!

Key factors influencing negotiations for First Nations interest holders

Lawyer Emily Gerrard offers some practical suggestions around negotiation of agreements and related arrangements and opportunities when it comes to large-scale renewable energy projects. Emily is a climate change and environmental lawyer with a focus on resources, native title and development.

Northern Territory Policy Overview: First Nations and Clean Energy

This paper was prepared to support conversations at the Mparntwe (Alice Springs) roundtable for the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy. The Northern Territory has some of the strongest solar radiation in the world and there is clearly much potential to develop clean energy projects on First Nations titled lands. 

Read the paper here


Special thanks to Christian Bass for use of the photo.