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Pages tagged "mining"

The potential for First Nations participation in renewables in Western Australia is vast

Western Australia has very strong solar resources and nationally competitive wind resources that are largely untapped. There is clearly much potential for the development of clean energy projects on land where First Nations communities hold an interest.

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A socio-spatial analysis of Australia's critical minerals endowment and policy implications

Australia's Critical Minerals Strategy promises to accrue benefits locally by building partnerships with host communities and First Nations peoples.

This research highlights that some of Australia's most disadvantaged areas host the highest number of critical minerals mines and mineral deposits

These areas also have a higher proportion of First Nations people.

At the same time, First Nations people have procedural rights available for up to almost 80% of these critical minerals projects.

Without major reforms in policy and practice, the inequitable distribution of mining's impacts and benefits will persist.


This paper was authored in January 2024 by John Burton, Deanna Kemp, Rodger Barnes and Joni Parmenter from the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland.

Read the paper here




ABC: Indigenous elder Leslie Schultz finds voice at United Nations

Leslie Schultz, a Ngadju elder from Western Australia's Goldfields and a First Nations Clean Energy Network Steering Group member, has just returned from New York. 

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The Remote Community Mining Toolkit

The Remote Community Mining Toolkit is designed to empower remote communities to gain a greater understanding of, prepare for and act to better manage the changing effects of a mine over its lifecycle.

A key goal of the toolkit is to deliver enduring community value from mining (ECVM) – or long-term, lasting value to the community.

The best way to do this is for the community to make decisions and act early so as to best influence the mining decision-makers: the company, the state and, in the Northern Territory, Traditional Owners who have the power to block mining development on Aboriginal land.

This toolkit is provided for guidance purposes only and does not substitute for expert legal and other advice which should be sought early in the mine lifecycle and before any decision is made or action is taken.

Authors: Blackwell BD and Fordham AE. 2018. The Remote Community Mining Toolkit. Ninti One Ltd, Alice Springs.