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Pages tagged "inquiry"

Have your say on the Future Acts regime under Native Title

The Australian Law Reform Commission has been asked to review the operation of the future acts regime under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

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First Nations outcomes should not be compromised or diminished in Future Made In Australia agenda

Repositioning Australia’s economy to remain globally competitive through the energy transition does not mean stripping out First Nations outcomes - in fact the opposite must be the case.

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Inquiry into Northern Australia Workforce Development (December 2022)

In Northern Australia, almost all land, and also waters, are covered by some form of legally recognised and enforceable First Nations title. Australiaʼs rapid transition to renewable energy will require access to vast areas of land and waters, including for thousands of kilometres of new transmission infrastructure. Enabling and empowering First Nations to play a key and central role in Australiaʼs renewable energy transition goes beyond just social licence issues - it presents a unique opportunity for Australia to design an economic system for renewable energy infrastructure developments (and upstream and downstream supply chains) that is fair and just and which can also positively impact and result in other social and economic benefits for First Nations.

Download the submission here