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Pages tagged "Future Made in Australia Act"

Is Australia finally catching up on clean energy benefits for First Nations?

Incorporating First Nations into the Future Made in Australia Act will finally bring Australia onto a more equal footing with the United States and Canada.

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First Nations benefit to be written into Future Made in Australia Act: Minister Chris Bowen MP

The Australian government has announced it will incorporate First Nations benefit as one of the key principles in the Future Made in Australia Act. Federal Minister Chris Bowen MP also wants to see more First Nations jobs, and ownership of and equity in clean energy projects.

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We're here, we've been caring for these lands forever, and we're willing partners: ecogeneration

The economic shift brought about by the Australian Government's Future Made in Australia Act cannot come at the expense of First Nations peoples. We want to see economic and policy systems that include and embed First Nations culture, rights and interests, and priorities. We don't want to see a repeat of the mistakes of the past.

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Embedding FPIC in the Future Made in Australia Act

As the Australian Government prepares to introduce its Future Made in Australia Act, the First Nations Clean Energy Network is urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to ensure the legislation includes and empowers First Nations peoples.

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The “Future Made in Australia Act” must include First Nations

The “Future Made in Australia Act” provides an unmissable opportunity to embed First Nations outcomes.

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