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Pages tagged "Clean Energy Council"

First Nations to be afforded genuine social and economic opportunities and partnerships in latest Capacity Investment Scheme tender offering

A new Capacity Investment Scheme tender invitation is out, with significant First Nations engagement and commitments required of clean energy proponents bidding for projects.

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Bringing a different mindset so we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past

We can't simply swap one kind of energy for another without transforming the systems that go with them.

We need to bring a different mindset or we run the risk of repeating the mistakes of the past.

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Leading Principles: First Nations and Renewable Energy Projects

This new guide puts into operation the First Nations Clean Energy Network’s Best Practice Principles, setting expectations for the clean energy industry on exercising meaningful engagement, consent, participation and benefit-sharing with First Nations people on renewable energy projects.

Co-authored by the Clean Energy Council and KPMG, the guide focuses on how to exercise meaningful engagement, consent, participation and benefit-sharing with First Nations people on renewable energy projects.

It sets expectations for the clean energy industry and details key considerations for engagement at each stage of a project’s lifecycle.

Download the Guide


Setting the gold standard to make sure all of us do projects right this time

Australia’s climate ambition relies on the rapid growth of large scale clean energy projects.

With First Nations’ rights and interests now legally recognised over more than half the Australian continent, it’s critical that First Nations consent, interests, aspirations and rights are front and centre of the clean energy transition.

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New First Nations engagement guide for the renewables industry

A new guidebook launched today to assist the clean energy industry meaningfully engage and partner with First Nations is based on all ten of the First Nations Clean Energy Network’s Best Practice Principles for Clean Energy Projects.

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Collective plea for renewables funding

Several Australian organisations including the First Nations Clean Energy Network have bandied together to lobby the Federal Government to commit to $100 billion investment in clean energy.

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First Nations Australian and Canadian energy leaders head to Canberra to secure Australian government’s commitment to partnering with First Nations in the clean energy transition

First Nations leaders from Australia and Canada are meeting with the Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen on 17th October and Members of Parliament and over 40 clean energy leaders on the 18th to share Canada’s experience and learnings to successfully ensure First Nations partner in Australia’s energy transition.

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First Nations Clean Energy Network wins national award

We're proud to have received the 2023 Clean Energy Council 'First Nations Engagement and Participation' Award for demonstrating outstanding positive community engagement with First Nations communities.

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Taking action - A national framework and best practice

Australia can be a world leader in clean energy if First Nations, governments and industry work hand-in-hand. The First Nations Clean Energy Network will work with the Federal Government and State and Territory energy ministers to develop a framework that guarantees First Nations participation and ensures everyone shares in the benefits of renewables. In this session, we’ll expand on key best practice principles we are asking the industry to commit to, and hear a response from Ministers and the industry.


• Kane Thornton, Clean Energy Council
• Jenny McAllister, Assistant Minister - Energy and Climate Change
• First Nations speakers on principles and policy

Kane Thornton, Clean Energy Council

Representing the Clean Energy Council, Kane Thornton provides some insight into the clean energy industry and where it's up to and how its thinking about engagement, cooperation and collaboration with First Nations communities.