Pages tagged "agreements"
The pace is building
Australia now has 18 and counting First Nations clean energy equity partnerships with developers.
What people should be looking for in strong agreements
Industry is learning that partnering with First Nations and gaining free prior and informed consent (FPIC) reduces risk, cost and delay.
Not doing so can lead First Nations people to hold decision-makers accountable for the consequences of their actions.
So how can we accelerate industry learning into practice?
This session looks at gaining free, prior and informed consent, the project approvals process, issues we're facing in negotiation, embedding First Nations outcomes in the Capacity Investment Scheme, and what needs to be in an ILUA and Agreements to deliver actual significant benefits to our people.
SPEAKERS: Jamie Woods, Shirley McPherson, Nick Llewellyn-Jones, Emily Gerrard, Lily O’Neill (Facilitator)
Clean Energy Agreement Making on First Nations Land
The paper explains the basic building blocks of how to develop an enduring relationship with First Nations people through ‘sharing the benefits’.
It is an invitation to renewable energy companies to embrace the opportunity of having strong, equitable, respectful and durable relationships with First Nations people.
The paper explains some of the key concepts and obligations, as well as setting out best practice guidelines for negotiating land access agreements with First Nations land holders. It also provides examples of the contents of both strong and weak land access and benefit sharing agreements.
The paper was prepared by The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the ANU, produced for the ‘Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific’ ANU Grand Challenge Project. It includes a foreword by Original Power's Executive Director Karrina Nolan.
Authors: O’Neill, L., Riley, B., Hunt, J., & Maynard, G. (2021).