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Northern Territory roundtable planned to assist in development of First Nations Clean Energy Strategy

The second roundtable to discuss the barriers and opportunities for First Nations people in Australia's clean energy transition is being held in Alice Springs on 16 - 17 May 2023.

The first roundtable was held last month in the Pilbara, Western Australia, with over 70 people attending.

The Federal Government and State and Territory Energy Ministers committed in August 2022 to co-design a First Nations Clean Energy Strategy to ensure First Nations people help drive the energy transformation, with the Strategy to be implemented in 2024.

Ministers cited the Strategy development as an opportunity to review laws, regulation and policy, lift barriers and implement regulatory reform, and to stoke government investment in innovation, technology and infrastructure, so that First Nations people can share in and benefit from the renewable energy boom.

The strategy will be developed over 12 - 18 months of work and will involve roundtables and consultations in collaboration with partners including the First Nations Clean Energy Network, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the National Indigenous Australians Agency.


Where: Desert Knowledge Precinct, South Stuart Highway, Alice Springs, Northern Territory 

16 May: This day is open to representatives from the First Nations community, Traditional Owners, PBC's, Land Councils and Community Organisations only, joining members from the First Nations Clean Energy Network. 

17 May: This day is open to representatives from Community, Traditional Owners, PBC's, Land Councils, as well as industry, key government departments, lawyers and policy experts. 

Registration: Click here

Learn more: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water